State Benefits


We assist veterans and their dependents in obtaining benefits offered by the Commonwealth to which they may be entitled.  Review the Benefits and Services for Veterans and Their Beneficiaries in Pennsylvania  Benefits Booklet for eligibility information and a detailed explanation of available benefits. Most state benefits are required to be initiated and completed in the County Office of Veterans Affairs in which you reside.  Please contact our office for questions or assistance.

You can also learn more about Other Veterans Services through the DMVA.


Veterans Temporary Assistance

Provides temporary monetary assistance to veterans and their dependents for the necessities of life (food, clothing, fuel, shelter and medical expenses). If found eligible the veteran or dependent can qualify for an amount not to exceed $1,600 in a twelve-month period.   The application must recently show an unexpected loss of income or increase in expenses that renders them temporarily unable to provide themselves with the necessities of living.

                Eligibility Criteria:

  • A veteran who served in the Armed Forces of the United States, who:
    • Was discharged under honorable conditions after a period of active duty, other than active duty for training, as evidenced by a DD Form 214 or other official documentation, or
    • Died in service or was killed in action, or
    • Suffered a service-connected disability as certified by the United States Veterans’ Administration.
  • Financial circumstances temporarily resulting in insufficient funds to pay for shelter and necessities of living for the Veteran and family, when:
    • A Veteran is temporarily unable to provide the necessities of living and has a direct and immediate need for assistance.  The assistance must be essential and not for the relief of an inconvenience, or the purchase of goods or services other than necessities of living, and,
    • Caused by temporary loss of income, assets or support due to sickness, disability, unemployment, natural or manmade disaster or other cause beyond the control of, and not as a result of, misconduct by the applicant or,
    • Caused by a temporary increase in costs or expenses beyond the control of, and not as a result of misconduct by, the applicant resulting in insufficient funds to pay for necessities of living.
  • They are eligible Veterans or unmarried surviving spouses of deceased eligible Veterans.
  • They are bona fide residents of Pennsylvania who permanently reside in this Commonwealth and who maintain a legal residence in no other state for any purpose.
  • They are not receiving sufficient monetary assistance from any state or federal agency based on the need for temporary assistance described in the application (other than food stamps).
  • Applicants must show that other funds or resources are not available to address the need for temporary assistance.

Real Property Tax Exemption

Honorably discharged wartime veterans having a permanent and total 100% service-connected disability can apply to be exempt from payment of Real Property Taxes on their primary residence, provided that all eligible criteria are met.

Veteran’s eligibility criteria:

  • Served in the military honorably
  • Served during established war service dates as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. **The following decorations can also be used to establish wartime service: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or Navy Expeditionary Medal.
  • Must have a total or 100% permanent service-connected disability rating by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or as the result of military service the veteran is blind or paraplegic or has sustained the loss of two or more limbs
    • Blind: Visual acuity of three-sixtieths or ten two-hundredths, or less normal Vision
    • Paraplegic: The bilateral paralysis of the upper or lower extremities of the body
  • Must be a resident of the Commonwealth
  • Must occupy the real estate as his/her principal dwelling
  • Dwelling is owned solely by the veteran or as an estate in the entirety
  • Veteran must prove financial need according to the criteria established by the State Veterans Commission.

**Upon the death of a qualified veteran, tax exemption may pass on to the unmarried surviving spouse if financial need can be shown.

Educational Gratuity Program

Educational Gratuity program provides financial assistance to children of honorably discharged veterans who have service-connected disabilities and served during a period of war or armed conflict or children of veterans who die or died in service during a period of war or armed conflict.

Veteran’s eligibility criteria: 

  • Died in service during a period of war or armed conflict or, 
  • A veteran who has: 
    • An honorable discharge from the U.S. military 
    • Served during established war service dates as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. **The following decorations can also be used to establish wartime service: Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal or Navy Expeditionary Medal
  • Veteran must have a 100% permanent and total service-connected disability rating by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Child’s eligibility criteria: 

  • Must be between the ages of 16 and 23, living within the Commonwealth five years prior to application and must attend a school within the Commonwealth. 
  • Applicant must have a financial need.

Payments: Payment will not exceed $500.00 per term or semester per qualified child to each approved educational institution upon submission by that approved educational institution of proof of matriculation of the applicant. Educational gratuity payments are paid directly to the Educational Institution and may not be made for longer than 4 scholastic years.

Blind Veterans Pension

Provides eligible blind veterans a pension of $150.00 per month.

Veteran’s eligibility criteria: 

  • Served in the military honorably.
  • Resident of Pennsylvania upon entering the military.
  • Suffered a service-connected injury or incurred a disease which resulted in loss of vision:
    • Visual acuity with correcting lens is 3/60 or 10/200 or equivalent, or less normal vision in the better eye OR
    • Includes circumstances where the widest diameter of the visual field of the better eye has contracted to an angular distance of not greater than 20º.

Paralyzed Veterans Pension

Provides eligible Amputee and Paralyzed Veterans a pension of $150.00 per month.

Veteran’s eligibility criteria:

  • Served in the military honorably.
  • Resident of Pennsylvania upon entering the military.
  • Suffered a service-connected injury or incurred a disease resulting in the loss or loss of use of two or more extremities (arms/hands or legs/feet).
  • At least a 40% disability rating compensation rating or higher in each limb as determined and certified by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.

State Veterans Homes

The PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs maintains six veteran’s homes across Pennsylvania.

Eligibility criteria:

                The veteran must have served in the Armed Forces of the United States or the Pennsylvania Military Forces and was discharged under honorable conditions.  The applicant shall be a bona fide resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

                A resident of a Veterans Home shall be required to make monthly payments against maintenance fee liability in accordance with the resident’s ability to pay.

Admissions will be on a first-come, first-served basis. 

The admissions committee at the home shall determine the level of care, but its decisions may be appealed.

Veterans’ Home List:

  • Delaware Valley Veterans’ Home, Philadelphia, PA  (Philadelphia County)
  • Hollidaysburg Veterans’ Home, Hollidaysburg, PA  (Blair County)
  • Gino J Merli Veterans’ Center, Scranton, PA  (Lackawanna County)
  • Pennsylvania Soliders’ and Sailors’ Home, Erie, PA  (Erie County)
  • Southeastern Veterans’ Center, Spring City, PA (Chester County)
  • Southwestern Veterans’ Center (Allegheny County)

7060 Highland Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Phone 412-665-6706

Birth and Death Records

Certified copies of Birth and Death Records are issued without cost to veterans and their dependents by the PA Dept. of Health, Bureau of Health Statistics & Registries, Division of Records, P.O. Box 1528, New Castle, PA 16103. Phone: 724-656-3100 or 844-228-3516 (toll-free).

Disabled & Severely Disabled Veterans Vehicle Registration and License Plate

Disabled and Severely Disabled service-connected veterans are not charged a fee for registration of a motor vehicle.  Only one vehicle shall be registered per veteran. An $11.00 processing fee shall be charged for veterans who are rated 100% permanent and total by the US Department of Veterans Administration.  Veterans rated less than 100% must meet service connected “reason codes” such as blindness, loss of use of arms, cannot walk more than 200 feet without rest, cannot walk unassisted, is restricted by lung disease or uses portable oxygen.  The severely disabled veteran license plate carries special parking privileges but the disabled license plate does not.

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